Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Meet Perry McDaid

We've gone international!

A few months ago we had the unexpected pleasure of receiving a 100 word story from Irish author Perry McDaid, who had learned about our writing blog "while trawling the web".  Since then he has been a most welcome and frequent contributor to Plotters Ink. Thank you, Perry, for agreeing to be our featured writer for August. In his own words: 

Derryman, Perry McDaid is currently fiction editor with Liquid Imagination and on the board of Widely published, besides his five individual poetry anthologies, his poems, stories, reviews and articles have appeared in diverse and international magazines, anthologies and websites. A prize-winner with short stories, poetry and articles, the Irishman’s work can be found both in hardcopy and online. He lives with his family beneath the mostly misty Donegal Hills, walking back roads where he can inhale the mystic inspiration of long dead bards and druids to concoct the weird, wonderful, and downright disturbing.


Wishing he was born in a log cabin in the midst of a hungry bear convention, Perry McDaid found himself delivered.

Of beginnings so humble it involved the family of the sons and daughters being packed into the rooms of a Granny,  given a pokey property of a doctor to whom she was all but indentured, he was raised in one such room, looking out onto St Eugene’s Cathedral in Derry.

Voluntary amnesia and fear of spoilers for upcoming fictionalised biography having erased the intervening material, we jump from his writing relatively unimaginative (but good for a 6 year old) poetry on a class-made Birthday Card for his Mammy, through his popular primary school adventure writing straight to the encompassing passion for all writing and wordsmithery.

This enthralling career was interrupted by the need for money, and so a very long hiatus put a dampener on his honing his skills for, though he still wrote as therapy to offset the drudgery of office work, he never shared.

Then he had himself a nervous breakdown, redoubled the therapy and was finally badgered into submitting his first poem to a company advertising in the local press. It was published and has all been downhill from there: nearly 900 poems published, about twenty or so articles and essays and ninety short stories, achieving prizewinners in each category.

Now he potters about in his home with a panorama of the city and the Derry and Donegal hills, helping writers at as one of the directors; and reads great fiction every day as the Fiction Editor of Liquid Imagination online, feeling fulfilled and all.

The link which follows is helpful advice to anyone who would attempt the feat of fictional world-building.

Perry has a  poetry and fiction  blog:

Read some of his flash fiction on Plotters Ink:

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