Sunday, January 4, 2015

Anniversary Month for Monday Night Writers Group

Hello writers!

The next  meeting of the Dunham Public Library Monday Night Writers Group will be held in the library boardroom at 6 PM on January 26, 2015.

This marks the 4th anniversary of the club's first session, which was January 25, 2011.  Some of you have been involved right from the very beginning and have seen many writers come and go.

Headed by our fearless leader, Jerry Finkelstein,  we are an eclectic mix of personalities which results in numerous writing styles!  New member/writers of any skill level are always welcome to participate. And of course we appreciate everyone's contribution to date.

All of the 157 stories from 26 authors (as of this date) are now located on a blog dedicated to the work of that group. We invite you to read some or all of them. You can easily find the work  of each individual writer or by topic. to view this blog, simply click on the "MONDAY WRITERS NOTEBOOK" tab above this post.

If you are looking for an author's name, the list is shown on the left side of that page, or to search by topic, look on the right side of that page.

Not everyone submits their stories for publication, but all of you are invited to do so at any time. For more information, please visit our blog or contact the library at 736-9734.

If you would like to be placed on our email list, or have questions, contact us here: Whitesboro Writers Email

Hope to see you all soon and of course, Keep Writing!

1 comment:

Dennis k said...

Happy Anniversary to a great bunch of people and mighty fine writers.