Saturday, January 3, 2015

What's on Your Mind? - January 2015

Happy New Year Everyone,

This is your place for voicing opinions, questions and ideas. Feel free to post comments as yourself, as an alias or anonymously in the comment section below.

I'd like to hear your suggestions for new things we might add to our growing literary community - writing challenges and competitions (maybe with a cash prize?), guest speakers, guest columnists? Book reviews? These are just a few ideas.

Let us hear your thoughts.....and of course, Keep Writing!

1 comment:

cja said...

On Monday we will be one of the first to post a cover reveal for Jordan Mierek's new novel. Stay tuned!

Also - I'm wondering which of OUR writers would like to be next in the "featured writers" series (for February) . Please don't be shy - you needn't be a published author to be featured. If interested, please contact Carol by email and she will tell you what you need to do. Some of you have said no....or not yet...or yes but didn't follow through yet. This is a tradition it would be nice to keep going all year long....let us hear from you please! :)