Wednesday, December 3, 2014

What's on Your Mind Today? - December 2014

Hi Everyone,

I was skulking through some other blogs recently and saw that there are a lot of  them that encourage comments and group discussion from the readership-at-large and I thought, HEY! Why don't WE try that?

In order to make it quicker and easier to publish comments, I've changed the comment process for this blog only. No more comment moderation.  You can post anonymously or choose a  fake or real name under the NAME/URL option (just leave the URL line blank). You will be asked to "prove you're not a robot' by typing in whatever letters or numbers show on the comment screen. Then, voila! Your comment will show up. And anyone can see it, respond, etc. Kind of like a chat room....more detailed than Facebook.

Well- I'll leave it up to you folks. Feel free to express anything that's on your mind. It doesn't  even have to be about writing...shall we get started?


Carol A said...

Hi there: Carol here, testing the waters. Does anyone want to come in and play?

JJ said...

so you ask what's on my mind and here's what I think about very often, a positive outlook. I communicate with many different types of people everyday. some suppliers, some customers, solicitors and friends too. my family (four siblings) and I have been blessed with a stressful and exciting business. it is the wholesale food trade and there is lots of competition as in any business. thankfully everyone has to eat and we do a great job supplying our customers. our customers appreciate the quality and service we provide. we are grateful for their support. sometimes I meet people who are negative about our area or jobs or life in general. my job is to encourage these disadvantaged people. try to help them be positive when it rains on their parade. unfortunately we need rain and it does not always come when we want it. my small world is not perfect and there are lots of challenges but I try my best to be positive in my outlook and disposition. sometimes I'm guilty of sticking my head in the sand (to stay positive) when the world gets ugly with murder, kidnappings, pedophiles, heroine, immigration, etc. I want to tune it out but it is real and it is life, I just don't want to hear about it. so in my little world, where I'm trying to be positive, it takes all my skill and patience to filter some junk out and let some in so my mountain doesn't get to tall

cja said...

That's a great start for the community writers' forum! I'd like to add I think staying positive can be really hard when we go it alone, but we can all kind of prop each other up now and then with good results for both propper and propee. :)

Would anyone else like to weigh in? Tell us what's on your mind.....

NLS said...

One of my favorite reminders to myself to stay positive comes from a quote by Vivian Greene ... "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass It's about learning how to dance in the rain ..."

cja said...

NLS, I like it! We need to keep our spirits up this time of the can be stressful on so many levels. Your quote reminds me of something philosopher Alan Watts once wrote: "The purpose of dancing is not to reach a certain place on the floor."

Thanks for your comment and keep dancing (and writing!) --ca

Carol A said...

Frustration! yesterday, after the usual walk to maintain fitness, I came home and unlocked the door with my key, which then somehow detached itself from the key ring. I held the key in one hand and entered the house. I took off my boots, and proceeded to put the key back on its rig, was no longer in my hand! Where did it go? I didn't drop it or lay it down. Then searched the whole room fro top to bottom, but it just vanished into thin air apparently. It's the 2nd time this has happened to me with my house key. Has anything like this ever happened to any of you? What could it mean? Are there invisible mischievous elves in my house?

sue said...

Wow, yes my glasses keep disappearing from my face and of course, I can't find them with my eyes alone. So what to do? Think of all the places I had been in the last hour; baking and washing dishes in the kitchen, cleaning the cat litter boxes, using the can, having a sip of coffee, wherever that is, using the can, shaking carpets, all without needing those da*$@@m that's progress, not elves!
Found them in the bathroom :)

Carol said...

lol @ Sue....all too true! Flawed fallible humans that we are! What a picture, a nearsighted person looking for her misplaced glasses. That is one good story "in the can:. lol

Anonymous said...

What happens there, stays there

cja said...

Sue, Holy crap,right where it belongs!

NLS said...

... reading my 2014 journal ... came across a quote that I had noted by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ... "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."