Friday, November 28, 2014

December Schedule of Writing Related Events

Season's Greetings to You All!

The following  is a list of some of the FREE and open-to-all writer-related events to be held around town and on the web in December 2014.   Be sure to mark your calendars for the one you don't want to miss.

December  1 -   Featured Writer of the Month : Meet Susan Hansen

December 8 - Creative Connection Arts Class with Lorraine Kreimeyer - 6- 7:30 PM in the Dunham library

December 9 -  6 Pm at Dunham Library - Jordan Mierek , writing under the pen name   Jordan Elizabeth, will do a reading from her novel, ESCAPE FROM WITCHWOOD HOLLOW.  Copies of the young adult fantasy will be available for purchase after the reading.

December 10 - Utica Writers Club monthly meeting  6 PM -  Kirkland (Clinton) library   Please note- this is a date scheduling change in deference to the upcoming holiday.

December 11 - Plotters Ink fiction writers monthly meeting - 2 PM at Dunham library THE USE OF IRONY

December 13 - Friends of Poetry Plus 10:30 AM at Dunham Library with Lorraine Kreimeyer

December 13  - Film and Discussion -  a 2014 film, BEGIN AGAIN starring Keira Knightley and Mark Ruffalo at 2 PM at Dunham Library


December 29 -  Dunham Public Library Writers Group monthly meeting - 6 PM   TOPIC: WHY ME?

Rome NY Writers Group monthly meetings - please check their Facebook page for possible dates/times

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