We struck up a conversation with the amiable Mr. Palmer, who was eager to share some information with us about his self-publishing experience. His book underwent rigorous vetting from Authorhouse Publishers before they decided to handle the process for him.
Mr. Palmer was emphatic about heeding and adhering to the legal requirements for the contents of his book, including the photos and even the cover art depicted here. Permissions had to be requested and submitted in writing before they were authorized for inclusion - I assume from an abundance of caution. No writer wants legal hassles to interfere with the success of his or her book - we can certainly relate to that!
We didn't get to hear the rest of the story because our meeting was about to begin, but I thought I'd post the information on our blog and anyone who is interested in doing some self-publishing (with the aid of a publishing company such as Authorhouse) is welcome to investigate on their own.
According to the brochure we scooped up before we left, Destiny is geared to young people who are looking for a way to succeed in life, despite daunting odds. The book is available in hard and soft cover, as well as in e-book format from Barnes and Noble and Amazon. You can find out more here:
Destiny, by Mahlon Palmer
Even better, drop by the Farmers Market next month and chat with Mr. Palmer yourself...and tell him Whitesboro Writers sent you.
Note: I don't know whether showing a photo of the cover is a breach of contract - since it shows up on the web for sale, and I have given credit to the artist, author and publisher, and we're not being paid to promote this - I hope it's ok! As an extra layer of protection, I've modified the cover so it's not exact. --CJ
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