Thursday, July 30, 2015

Informal Writing Workshop #4, August 27, 2015

At 2 PM on August 27, we will explore ways to use true stories and memories (memoir) as springboards for fiction.

Prior to attending this workshop, participants are asked to first write a  paragraph describing an interesting and true incident, either their own, or something that happened to someone they know personally.

The next part of the assignment will be to convert the events into fiction. You should change names, dates, places, and modify the event and its outcome.

Many personal memories are suitable for this type of exercise. It could be something having to do with your childhood, family members, friends, teachers, neighbors, pets, fellow workers, spouse, etc. For this exercise please stay clear of anything potentially embarrassing or hurtful to another person.

As always, have fun and let your imagination concoct something truly creative!

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