Monday, December 22, 2014


Greetings, Fellow Scribes,

For many of us, 2014 is ending up in ways we could not have foreseen on January 1st. For one thing, Plotters Ink, and the entire Whitesboro Writers Group  of blogs did not yet exist, and I had no inkling that such a thing was even possible. Yet here we are!  That led me to finding the next writing technique for Plotters Ink, namely, exploring  the Use of Flashbacks in fiction writing.

The technique is simple enough : You start telling a story, and then interrupt the forward flow of events to describe how past events led to the present state of affairs.  We all do this every day, when we recount our daily activities to friends and family.

The flashback technique  works well in novels, where the author has plenty of space to toggle back and forth between present and past events. I don't know how well it works with very short stories, but we will find out together soon enough. Plotters Ink is all about experimenting and expanding our writer's toolbox together.

Please share your story with all of us on January 8 at 2 PM in the library boardroom, or feel free to submit your flashback story via email to

Stay warm and safe!
                    - Carol

PS- I just learned how to insert a link into a sentence! If you want to learn more about the flashback technique, click on the link in the third paragraph above. Here's another one: five flashback writing tips.     Have fun and Keep Writing!