Tuesday, December 16, 2014

DPL Writers Group Next Meeting is Dec. 29th

Because many of us will be extra-busy or traveling next week, this month the Monday group will meet on the 5th (rather than the usual 4th)  Monday of the month.  Mark your calendars: 6 PM  on December 29 at the library- come along early if you like to chat, and to claim one of the comfy chairs :)

This month's writing prompt (i.e. writing topic) is WHY ME?  Story length should be 250-400 words. Please bring copies of your story so that everyone can read along with you. 

If you have time, we encourage you to think up some ideas for writing themes for the upcoming month.  

Hope to see you there and then, and meanwhile, have a wonderful, safe, holiday season. ------------->>>>>>>>

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