Date due: December 22, 2020 by 6 PM EST

500 words MAXIMUM on one of these 2 prompts:    IMPOSSIBLE or ELEMENTS of TRUTH
Your story can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. 

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

EMail Word or any doc file  document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 
New participants please add your name and location. Thanks!


Date due: November 22, 2020 by 6 PM EST

500 words MAXIMUM on one of these 2 prompts:    RAVENOUS or SECRET
Your story can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. 

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

EMail Word or any doc file  document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 
New participants please add your name and location. Thanks!


Date due: October 22, 2020 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAXIMUM on one of these 2 prompts:    WILD or KEEPER
Your story can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. 

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

EMail Word or any doc file  document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 
New participants please add your name and location. Thanks!

Date due: September 22, 2020 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAXIMUM on one of these 2 prompts:    DOLDRUMS or SIESTA

Your story can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. 

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

EMail Word or any doc file  document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 
New participants please add your name and location. Thanks!


Date due: August 22, 2020 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAXIMUM on one of these 2 prompts:    SPIDERS or MAGICIAN

Your story can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. 

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

EMail Word or any doc file  document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 
New participants please add your name and location. Thanks!


Date due: July 22, 2020 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAXIMUM on this prompt:  BLUE

Your story can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. 

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

EMail Word or any doc file  document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 
New participants please add your name and location. Thanks!


Date due: June 22, 2020 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAXIMUM on this prompt:


Your story can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. 

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

EMail Word or any doc file  document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 
New participants please add your name and location. Thanks!

Date due: May 22, 2020 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAXIMUM on one of these 2 prompts:

PREDICAMENT  .....   or   .....  "WRITER'S CHOICE"

Your story can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. 

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

EMail Word or any doc file  document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 
New participants please add your name and location. Thanks!


Date due: April 22, 2020 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAXIMUM on one of these 2 prompts:

FOOL   .....   or   .....  SHOCK

Your story can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. 

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

EMail Word or any doc file  document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 
New participants please add your name and location. Thanks!


Our normal due date is the 22nd, but the original March series (see below)  was changed to the 17th due to travel conflict. Well, travel got delayed, so the 22nd is fair game again.

Toilet paper....It's on my list and on my mind...is it on yours?

Here's the challenge:

100 words maximum - TOILET PAPER is the prompt. Fiction, non-fiction, memoir...all ok.

Seriously! Have fun....send your mini story in by 3/22/20 at 6 PM EDT to whitesborowriters@gmail.com.

*****Feedback is still encouraged, but not necessary in order to participate this time.*****

Due 3/17/22 - FAN FICTION -- see here  https://whitesboronywriters.blogspot.com/2020/02/march-2020-online-writers-group.html

Date due: February 22, 2020 by 6 PM EST

500 words MAX on one of these 3 prompts:

LEAP... or ...PRECIOUS... or … VANITY

Your story can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. 

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

Mail Word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 


Date due: January 22, 2020 by 6 PM EST

500 words MAX on one this prompt: WRECK-- can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. 

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

Mail Word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 


Date due: December 22, 2019 by 6 PM EST

500 words MAX on one of these two prompts: WISH or GIFT -- can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. Thanks to PT and CJ  for the suggestions!

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

Mail Word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 


Date due: November 22, 2019 by 6 PM EST

500 words MAX on one of these two prompts: FEAST or HUNGRY -- can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. Thanks to HT Longale and Miriam E. Waters for the suggestions!

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written in that month, excluding your own.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

Mail Word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 

Date due: October 22, 2019 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAX on this prompt: SCARED -- can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. Thanks to Paul DeBlois for the suggestion!

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written by others in that month.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

Mail Word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 

Date due: September 22, 2019 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAX on this prompt: DIRT  -- can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. Thanks to Joan Scharf for the suggestion!

REMINDER: When you submit a story, you agree to provide feedback on ALL of the other stories written by others in that month.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

Mail Word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 

Date due: August 22, 2019 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAX on this prompt: MOON  -- can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc. Be extra creative with this one! 

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

Mail Word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 


Date due: July 22, 2019 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAX on one of these prompts (or combine the two):  1) SWEET  and/or 2) BEST BEHAVIOR  -- can be fiction or non-fiction, memoir, essay, etc.

It's helpful if you don't fancy- format your document or use headers. Each piece is posted "as submitted".

Mail Word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 


Date due: June 22, 2019 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAX on this prompt:  ESCAPE (Use the word in your piece, OR write an escape theme story, fiction or non-fiction.)

Mail Word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 

TO READ THESE STORIES, CLICK HERE: https://wwgwritersonline.blogspot.com/search/label/June%202019%20ESCAPE


Date due: May 22, 2019 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAX on this prompt:  EARTH (Use the word in your piece, OR write an earth theme story, fiction or non-fiction.)

Mail Word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 
TO READ THESE STORIES, CLICK HERE:  https://wwgwritersonline.blogspot.com/search/label/May%202019%20EARTH

Date due: April 22, 2019 by 6 PM EDT

500 words MAX on this prompt:  None...it's WRITER's CHOICE this month!

Mail Word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com 



Date due: March 22, 2019 by 6 PM EDT

500 words max on this prompt:  OPEN YOUR EYES

Mail word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com




Date due: February 28, 2019 by 6 PM EST

500 words max on this prompt:  A STEP AT A TIME

Mail word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com


Date due: January 25, 2019 by 6 PM EST

500 words max on this prompt:  WILDEST DREAM

Mail word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com


Date due: December 21, 2018

500 words max on this prompt: THE DRILL

Mail word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com

Date due: November 16, 2018

500 words max on this prompt: CHILLING

Mail word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com


Date due: October 22, 2018

500 words max on this prompt: ABLAZE

Mail word document to whitesborowriters@gmail.com