Friday, July 28, 2017

The Remsen Writers Group

The Whitesboro Writers Group is pleased to present another local writing group opportunity to our members. We recently received this piece from its founder. Newcomers welcome!

The Remsen Writers' Group meets the first and third Thursday of each month from 7-9 PM at the Didymus Thomas Library ( 315-831-5651) on Main St., Remsen.

The group was organized five years ago and is facilitated by Sheila K. Harris. We draw people mostly the foothills area who work in a variety of genres, with from 5 to 10 people showing up at meetings.

Our goal is to support writing in the community. We share publishing info and opportunities, and workshop and open mic news as well. When possible we hold an annual event for readings and book signings. Writers read their work and may ask for feedback and constructive criticism. Occasionally we have an assignment or a challenge - a new idea or technique- to expand our skills.

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