Thursday, December 17, 2015

January 2016 Assignment for Plotters Ink

It is said that one picture is worth 1,000 words. 

Get the picture?

We begin this year’s study of character types with a pair of opposites we’ve arbitrarily labeled as REALIST and DREAMER.  The following are SOME of the positive and negative character traits and “buzzwords” primarily associated with these two personality types. Obviously, not all of them will apply to each type. 

Practical, extroverted, factual, trust only their five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell), serious, reliable, dependable, pragmatic, down to earth, responsible, blunt, conscientious, sensible, task-oriented, conservative, determined, orderly, disciplined, methodical, analytical, detail-oriented.

Realists get the job done properly and on time!

Imaginative, idealistic, romantic, visionary, intuitive, shy, introverted, introspective, moody, sympathetic, chaotic, emotional, considerate, fight for a cause they believe in, underdog, creative, disorganized, impractical, artistic, gentle, poetic, peaceful, loners, guarded, mystical, interested in fantasy and magic, whimsical, flighty, profound.

Dreamers provide us with sparkle and variety!

Realist vs. dreamer...

Your challenge is to choose ONE of these types and portray that character as thoroughly as possible in a one page fictional story of approximately 500 words or less. This character should be the protagonist of your story. This means you, the writer, is on this character’s side and you should try to present him or her in the best light possible. However, this character must have a flaw or shortcoming in order to be interesting.  He or she will encounter an obstacle or person with whom he is in conflict. 

How does your character interpret life? 

We'll  find out on January 14th. See you then.

A factual, realistic photo of sunflowers vs a painting of how one artist perceived them

Photo credits: (dreamer/realist sign) (realist cartoon) (boy and rainbow) (sunflower photo) (sunflower painting)

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