Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Meet Darius Blake

It is difficult to define the style of the inimitable Darius Blake. On the one hand, he is (as a rule)  a quiet and self-deprecating sort of person, and on the other hand, in his writing he is bold, erudite, and rather controversial, where he expounds with acerbic wit,  compared to other writers in Central New York.

He abides in the in-between state where words can either heal or reveal.  He holds up the mirror inscribed 'hypocrisy' to our faces and invites us to challenge what it is we see there. Sometimes, it is not a welcome reflection. Sometimes, though, we catch a glimpse of the mask we habitually wear, and decide it is high time we make our true selves known. Few individuals are called to do this, at whatever cost to themselves. That is the Darius  we introduce to you this month.  He is the writer that will make you think about what is fair and just. Or maybe, just think, period.

Darius is a frequent contributor to the Whitesboro Writers blogs.  Some of his rants, stories and poetry can be viewed  by clicking on these links:

A special NEW BLOG featuring Darius Blake is in the works.  The first of his features can be found here:

Darius, a life-long student, resides in upstate NY, where he spends his time eking out a living, writing and volunteering for various civic organizations. He has a BA in Journalism from Syracuse University and has been writing for both business and pleasure for over 25 years. Always looking for freelance and ghost-writing opportunities, Darius can be reached at

Mr. Blake also has three shorts available electronically through - all available for 99 cents each. Links are below.

Reading something written by Mr. Blake is nothing if not illuminating, thought-provoking, and game-changing. Are you game?

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