Saturday, August 9, 2014

You Are Invited to A Virtual Writing Project

Today we are launching something brand new!

It's an opportunity to indulge your writing addiction (or hobby, or passion)  for publication on one of our blogs.  From time to time you'll be invited via an email or on Facebook to participate in the current project.

The projects may take various forms such as short stories, essays and other kinds of prose.  Unlike the round robins, you will  be the sole writer of your story, and whatever you submit will be published "as is" if it meets the minimum requirements, so please proofread and edit thoroughly.  As always, you retain the copyright to all of your original work published on our blogs.

So here we go!

Write an EXACTLY 100 WORD story on the topic of your choice. 

Sounds simple, right? Until you need just one more or one less word, in which case, just keep trying till you succeed. :)   All words except the title and byline count. It can be fiction, non-fiction, memoir, or whatever you like, as long as it is exactly 100 words in length. That is the absolute ONLY requirement of this project, and we will be counting.....

When you have completed you story, please email to us at You may include the story in the body of the email or send it as a doc. attachment. There is no deadline for submissions.  You will find the published stories on the Plotters Ink blog and also on the Just Write blog, posted as they are received. They will be labeled "Virtual Project #1".  Have fun, folks!

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