Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Monday Night Writers Group Meets August 25th

At a time when so many famous people and friends are passing on, it seems appropriate that, as if we knew what was to be,  the group decided our topic for August 25th would be "MOVING ON".

If you are inspired to write something meaningful  that this topic suggests,  you are invited to share it with the Dunham Public Library Writers Group on Monday at 6 PM,  upstairs in the library boardroom. Please bring copies of your work so we can follow along.

Our six-word story project continues. This month's prompt is "DELICACY", and writing one is optional, in addition to the assigned theme.

For more information, please see the library's calendar and other information via this link: http://www.whitesborolibrary.org/book-groups   Then scroll down to the third event listed.

We hope to see you there.

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