Monday, July 7, 2014

Writing Groups, Networking and Such

I am surfing the web today, and just found a very interesting article about writing groups. After reading it I'm happy to say I think our two main library groups (and hopefully any future virtual or actual groups that may arise from the new Plotters Ink  (fiction group) and the original Dunham Public Library Writers Group are well within range of  the definition of "good writing groups".

I hope you'll take the time to read or scan it and decide for yourself if what I'm saying is true. Also, I welcome any suggestions for improvement for Plotters Ink and the presentation of our several blogs.You can access any of our writers blogs by clicking on  "Our Profile" to the left of this post, which is where they are all listed. 

When the idea for starting a second writing group first occurred to me, I never imagined that I would also be promoting groups other than our own. Nevertheless, it seemed a good thing to do, to increase our resources and forge good relationships with as many local writers and groups as possible. We are like the library system  in that we present the community with materials and events that may interest them, without prejudice. Just the faces and places are different. We have one thing in common....a love of writing. That is reason enough to nurture each others' creativity and we will surely benefit from supporting all of our matter their skill level, publishing history, or area of interest.

Enough palaver, already! Let's keep on writing! See you  7/8 for Jordan Mierek's creative writing workshop, 7/10  for Plotters Ink, 7/23 for Cheryl Pula's publishing  presentation, and 7/28 for the Monday night writing group. Details can be found on the library's website: 

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