Sunday, July 2, 2017

July 2017 Calendar of Writing Related Events

Hello, Fellow Writers!

Below is a list of some of the free events taking place in the area that you may wish to attend. We are branching out (a library pun…) Each event now mentions its location.

Check back periodically because we update these posts as we become aware of other events. Any changes, additions, or errors, please message us at
DUNHAM PUBLIC LIBRARY will be closed on Tuesday, JULY 4
 in observance of Independence Day.
Wednesday, July 5 


Adult and Young Adult Workshops will be held on 6 Wednesdays from July 5 through August 9 at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. Young Adults will meet from 4-5:30 p.m. and   Adults from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. See link for details:

 Thursday, July 6th @ 7 pm

The Remsen Writers’ Group 

meets at the Didymus Thomas Library. Group members participate in area open mics, hold an annual evening of member’s readings, and publish short works monthly in the Rural Star. Any one interested in writing, young or old, is welcome to attend; however, the library is not handicap accessible. Facilitating the group for five years is Sheila K. Harris, who can be reached at for more information.

Saturday, July 8;  NO meeting this month.


We are a light-hearted group of all ages and love to share each other’s work. See some of our poems on  Facilitated by Lorraine Kreimeyer.  Call 315-736-9734 for questions.
Saturday, July 8; 2:00 to 4:00 pm

FILM and DISCUSSION -  Dunham Public Library Community Room
to be announced
Monday, July 10 ; 6:30 PM

Canastota Public Library Writers Group - Facilitated by Beth Totten - This group encourages writers to share poems, memoirs, fiction or other creative prose piece. Gentle feedback ensues. (Note- For July and August, the 4th Monday of the month meeting will not be held but will resume in September.)
Tuesday, July 11 ; 3-5 PM

Canastota Public Library Writers Group (need information)
Wednesday, July 12

Adult and Young Adult Workshops will be held on 6 Wednesdays from July 5 through August 9 at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. Young Adults will meet from 4-5:30 p.m. and   Adults from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. See link for details:
Thursday, July 13, 1- 3 PM


Monthly meeting downstairs in the Dunham Public Library Board Room.

As our group matures into its 4th year, we've relaxed the boundaries quite a bit, leaving room for personal choice each and every month. The rule of thumb is to select a specific GENRE each time. Please identify what that genre is - it may not be obvious to anyone but you. Here are your choices:

Biographical/Historical… Dystopia… Ethnic… Horror… Humor… Mystery… Science Fiction…Travel…Urban Myth… Western…Young Adult…or Writer’s Choice: (i.e., anything not on the list as long as it’s fiction). Facilitated by CJ Alexander.

Please bring copies so we can read along with you as you share your story.

For details, see:

And please visit our online magazine: PLOTTERS INK
Wednesday, July 19


Adult and Young Adult Workshops will be held on 6 Wednesdays from July 5 through August 9 at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. Young Adults will meet from 4-5:30 p.m. and   Adults from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. See link for details:
  Thursday, July 20th; 7 PM

The Remsen Writers’ Group

 meets at the Didymus Thomas Library. Group members participate in area open mics, hold an annual evening of member’s readings, and publish short works monthly in the Rural Star. Any one interested in writing, young or old, is welcome to attend; however, the library is not handicap accessible. Facilitating the group for five years is Sheila K. Harris, who can be reached at for more information.

This just in: "Sheila  is proposing that we meet promptly at  7 PM  at the library, and walk together one block north on Main St. to the church lawn for their weekly free concert with free ice cream sundaes. It is a very casual event, so we can eat and socialize for about a half hour, then go back to the library for our meeting. 

Monday July 24  6:00-8 pm


The Monday Writers Group – held in the Boardroom of the Whitesboro Dunham Public Library  - is a group of amateur writers of all ages and skill levels. Writing assignments should be prose, either fiction or non-fiction, approximately 400 words or the side of one page. The writing prompts for this month are either UMBRELLA or BACK SEAT OF THE CAR.

This month the group will be facilitated by Barbara Shuck.

This group is open to adults. For more information, call 736-9734.

Please visit our online magazine:  MONDAY NIGHT WRITERS
Monday, July 24 ; 6:30 PM

Canastota Public Library Writers Group - Facilitated by Beth Totten - WILL NOT MEET  TONIGHT. (See 7/10 for more details)
Monday, July 24 ; evening

  BRIDGEPORT WRITERS GROUP  (note same day/time as Whitesboro Group)

The Bridgeport Writer's Group meets the last Monday of each month at 6:30 at the Bridgeport Library on North Road in Bridgeport.
Tuesday, July 25 ; 3-5 PM

Canastota Public Library Writers Group (need information)
Wednesday, July 26


Adult and Young Adult Workshops will be held on 6 Wednesdays from July 5 through August 9 at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. Young Adults will meet from 4-5:30 p.m. and   Adults from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. See link for details:
Wednesday, July 26;  6:00 pm-8:45 pm


Utica Writers Club monthly meeting at 6 PM in the Kirkland Library, Clinton, NY.

Meetings are conducted in "round table" style, in which member and visitor readings are presented to the group for constructive comments. All varieties of writing, regardless of genre, are discussed and encouraged by the Club.

 Contact Jeremy Mortis for details at

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