Monday, November 21, 2016

Our Latest E-Book is Now Available!

Our latest e-book is now available for purchase from Amazon Kindle. The price is $2.99. Any earnings from the sale of this book will be shared by the 13 authors and  the Dunham Public Library.

The book's theme is one of death, but it's about Death as viewed from a humorous perspective as well as from one of compassion or sadness. The variety of spins our writers took on this most challenging topic is quite remarkable.

Featured writers include locals Jerry Finkelstein,  Ginny Enea, HT Longale, Miriam Waters, and CJ Alexander. Also, a newcomer to our area who contributed to this book is Terry Rainey, who hails from Virginia.

These national and international writers complete the roster of fine writers represented in the book: Perry McDaid of Ireland, John Mannone of Tennessee, Sue Babcock of New Mexico, Lester Weil of Arizona, Lisa Scuderi-Burkimsher of Long Island, Alyce Campbell of Virginia and Michael W. Cho, of Tempe, AZ, who won a prime spot in the book as contest winner at Silver Pen Writers, a well respected non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the skills of aspiring writers.

We hope you will enjoy reading this, our fourth publication, and that you will consider gifting someone with a copy this holiday season. 

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