Monday, November 24, 2014

Meet Joan O. Scharf

One of the most important functions of our growing group of writers is to promote each others' creativity.  Joan Scharf's first book,  Hanging on a Twisted Line: A Collection of Shorts, was published in 2009.   It's full of short stories with plot twists and excellent dialogue. Each story is uniquely wrought and demonstrates the author's ability to "commune with her Muse". Her second book, Valentine Tales, is for younger readers. She has had two short stories as featured winners in the anthology Slices of Life, published by Peppertree Press.

Joan's latest production is Dark of the Island, scheduled to be released as an e-book in early September. (So, like, any day now! Congratulations, Joan!)

Well-chosen titles are an art form in themselves. Not only is her first book title itself a good example of that special talent, along with its "cheeky" image, but each story is aptly named. For instance:  DA8-Nite, Shade of the Past, The Ring Around, Photo Finish and so many more. But why not discover the book for yourselves? It's available to borrow from the Mid-York Inter-Library system. You can look it up on the library's website (see "More Links" tab above).

Joan has a perfect storm of a writer's background; it would seem that  a foray through the eclectic zone is a good route to productive creativity. She was born on a farm in the Catskills, majored in science at Utica College, earned her RN at Faxton School of Nursing, studied French at San Francisco State College -  and creative writing at Hodges University. Joan has meandered through various careers (something I personally believe to be of great value for writers) - she has been a waitress, receptionist, registered nurse, camp program director, pressed flower artist, traveler, author, wife and mother.  All this (a direct quote from Joan )… and I still can’t spell.

Perhaps... but she sure can write!   ---------- July 2014

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