Friday, October 30, 2015

Meet Ginny Webb-Enea

Not every aspiring writer would be willing to commute from Ilion to attend both the Monday Night Writers and Plotters Ink meetings each month, but Ginny Enea has been doing so since August 2014. She’s been a welcome addition to the groups, not just because she’s a fine writer who thoroughly researches her interesting stories, but also for her bouyant optimism, ready wit, and the valuable suggestions she brings to the table. She’s been a great supporter of our efforts to keep the groups interesting and expanding, and what’s more, she has a thoughtful side to her, adding the human touch – bringing cards, flowers, candy for special occasions, and lending a helping hand wherever she sees a need. She’s a good friend, and good company, whether it’s a day trip to Cooperstown or simply chatting over a latte or lunch before a group meeting.
Ginny’s modesty prevented her from listing all of her considerable accomplishments, but we got her to say this about herself:
  • “Our family moved many times during my childhood.  I discovered, amid the chaos of new houses, schools, and friends a constant: books.
  • “Happiness was, and still is, dissolving into a good read.  I love to write, my preference is creative non-fiction.  My favorite author is Augusten Burroughs, the literary love of my life.
  • “I raised a family, worked for thirty years as a Medical Office Manager and volunteered countless hours for causes that touched my heart.
  • “At last, in retirement, my hope is to continue to grow as a writer.”

She’s definitely doing that. 
You can read Ginny’s creative stories in our e-book (Halloween Musings & Amusings, available through Amazon Kindle) and other stories at these links:

1 comment:

mew said...

Nicely said ... Ginny is a talented writer and a true "gem" of a person. Her stories and personality add to the "flavor' and "spice" that make the Whitesboro Writers' Group so interesting.