Monday, February 23, 2015

Meet Paul T. DeBlois

One of the best parts of belonging to a writing group is meeting people we might otherwise never encounter, who take an interest in each other's creative endeavors, and offer valuable suggestions for improvement.  We meet once or twice a month in person, having spent hours thinking up and carefully wording a story that is meant to entertain, educate, delight, and surprise our colleagues. Sometimes, if we perform our roles well enough, we get to see writers grow by leaps and bounds. We have all benefited in many ways, and that rings true for this month's featured writer: Paul T. DeBlois.

"My father was an amateur writer but I can still remember hearing him pounding the keys on his old Smith Corona, " says Paul. " I think it rubbed off on me to write also. I started writing when I was a teenager. I loved spooky tales. I guess that is why I like Stephen King so well. " We see Paul's face light up whenever Stephen King's name comes up during group sessions, which is quite often.

Paul says of his writing group experience: "I like the people at the Monday Night Writers Group and Plotters Ink. I have gotten a lot of inspiration from them. When we share our stories with one another, it helps to improve my writing." We couldn't agree more!

Paul has written several fiction and non-fiction stories which you may read on our blogs, and we have also published some of his father's poems as well.

To read Paul's stories, click here:

To read Paul's father's poem and stories, click here:

Thanks for being a part of our group, Paul,  and also for bringing in new members!  Keep writing, friend!

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