Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Conflict: Aye, There's the Rub

On October 9, the writers who participate in the monthly meeting of Plotters Ink  (held at the library at 2 PM),  will read their original new fiction to each other and offer feedback on the stories.

Each month the group focuses on one aspect of the writing process. So far we have practiced selecting titles, setting the scene, creating a character, and writing dialogue. This time we delve a bit deeper by introducing the element of conflict. 


Without conflict, there isn't much of a plot and not much to capture (let alone keep)  the reader's interest. So it stands to reason we must find some bit of strife to make our stories come alive.

You can find a lot of inspiration by reading novels by your favorite authors and even while viewing various TV shows and films. Consider the thrillers, mysteries, adventures, and dramas that compel you to watch them over and over again.  What makes you breathless with anxiety?  What makes you seethe below the outward calm? What story-lines hit you below the belt, as if you were the lead actor in the plot? We all have triggers.  Find yours, and put it into words as best you can. Two-hundred and fifty to four hundred of them, please.  And stay tuned for the conflict stories which will be published starting October 10, on the PLOTTERS  INK blog.

Anyone with a conflict story to share, please submit directly to us via email. Have fun, and above all, keep writing!

For more information, click here:

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