Sunday, July 13, 2014

"I Never Thought I'd Get Published"

Hello everyone,

On Wednesday July 23, 6:30 PM, Cheryl Pula will present a program on how to get your work in print. The program will take place at the library and it is free of charge. If you have ever attended one of her many lectures, you'll know she's as good at speaking as she is at writing.

This is an invitation to find out how getting published can happen for you as it did for Cheryl.  She currently works part-time at the New York Mills library and is still writing her series of WWII Air Force historical novels.  She has a website for this: .

Cheryl has also written several short pieces for the Dunham Public Library Writers Group Notebook, which you can read online here:    (The writings are arranged alphabetically by last name.)

Hope to see you there.

1 comment:

cja said...

Thanks to Cheryl for all of her insights - she allowed me to audio-record her talk and it can now be found on SoundCloud if you'd like to hear it. You can access a direct link from our Facebook page or email us and we'll forward that to you. Enjoy!