Thursday, June 26, 2014

Previews and News

Plotters Ink,  our daytime fiction writing group,  meets Thursday July 10 at 2 PM in the library boardroom. This month's topic is "It Was a Dark and Stormy Night" which is also the first sentence of your story. The writing exercise is "setting the scene". See more details on the Plotters Ink blog, by clicking on the tab above this post.

The Dunham Public Library Writers Group (our library's original evening writing  group, whose stories are published on the library's own website rather than these blogs)  meets next on Monday July 28 at 6 PM in the library boardroom. The topic is "IF ONLY" . Your writing can be fiction or non-fiction as you prefer. Optimum story length is 300-400 words.  

In addition, due to the interest in 6 word stories, in July we  have been challenged to write another 6 word story on "Summertime". 

It all sounds good. Hope to see you at these events!-ca
Already happened:
This from Utica Writers Group:

"Steve Mazza will be the guest author speaker for the start of the Munson Williams summer art show and festival this Friday the 27th. Steve is a new member to our group and will be speaking inside the museum by the gift shop from 1 to 3pm. It will be an informal discussion with question and answer periods regarding his book, “It Takes a Naked Man to Tell a Naked Story”. His book is the true story and personal adventures of a man who discovers that decisions made in life can take you down many different paths. From Vietnam Veteran to nude model and everywhere in between, he steps outside the box late in life to find personal fulfillment. Stop in to meet Steve and hear his story."

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